A special rule applies to translation of non-OC art submissions, which can be found in detail here.content created by the submitter him/herself) submissions are exempt from this rule. Posting a comment that links to a reuploaded version is OK, unless the artist has requested that third parties do not repost the art.Art submissions must link directly to a source controlled by the artist.Non-OC art submissions must link directly to the source.Posts of fan-created content are generally permitted as long as such posts do not attempt to monetize the content.Do not post advertisements for the sale of commissioned art or other fan-made goods.Do not advertise sales of fan-created content.Any posts or comments attempting to do so will be removed.Account trades, sales, and giveaways are not permitted.Users posting links to bots will be banned.

Do not engage in arguments irrelevant to Granblue Fantasy.It should not be cross-posted here unless it is also specifically relevant to other parts of the Granblue Fantasy franchise or is art. Content that is specific to Granblue Fantasy Versus should be posted in /r/GranblueFantasyVersus.Any posts that are irrelevant to the game or franchise will be removed.GBVS content should be posted to its own subreddit. All posts must be related to Granblue Fantasy.Please ask questions in the Questions Thread. Welcome! Please read the following before posting.